Популярное блюдо, которое готовят на основе куриного бульона с добавлением лапши
1590 ₸0 g
Говядина мякоть
3790 ₸250 g
Люля-кебаб из баранины
2590 ₸0 g
Шашлык из свиной шейки
2990 ₸0 g
Куриные котлеты c картофельным пюре
Легкий и нежный куриный фарш с добавлением капусты богат клетчаткой. На гарнир подается картофельное пюре
2790 ₸0 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
990 ₸0 g
Белый чесночный
Имеет широкую популярность, благодаря своей универсальности и вкусовому богатству. Он придает блюдам особый аромат и вкус, делая их приятными для гурманов и любителей пикантности
The institution hosts various cultural events. Creative evenings , performances by interesting performers and groups . In general, a decent establishment with a normal kitchen and service. The interior sets you up for the lyrics . Prices are "horse-like" compared to expensive cities in the Russian Federation, but where in Kazakhstan are they different now?
The staff, despite their youth, is more or less normal ... There would be fewer people in hundreds if there were any norms at all))) , but this is again a modern trend .
In principle, the money spent is not a pity, and I think this is the most important thing...
I visited this place a couple of years later. This time it was in the format of something like a quartermaster. When booking a table, we were asked to choose dishes from the menu in order to speed up their delivery later. What should I say? There was no miracle. All the dishes were served at different times. It turns out that someone was eating, and someone was watching others eat. The shish kebab was brought already when the guest who ordered this shish kebab had not even been to the institution yet. I.e., they did not specify whether it was already possible to serve the dish. In general, the kebab turned out to be delicious, but the impressions are not the same due to the fact that it is cold. The dish "Meat in a pot" is not served in a pot at all, the meat itself is a bit harsh. The pizza is not bad, I was surprised by the lack of gorgonzola cheese in the pizza "4 cheeses", and the serving itself does not look like a classic pizza "4 cheeses". The tea turned out to be delicious (Moroccan, Tashkent). The pancakes were served cold, one pancake was frankly burnt. Caesar salad with chicken is quite tasty. This time there was a full boarding in the cafe and the waiters did not quite cope. Orders had to wait quite a long time. It's great that this cafe hosts musical evenings with live performances. However, the room is not very convenient for this, almost half of the tables cannot see the "stage" while standingSome people are blocking the view. At the end of the evening, an error was found in the invoice: the entrance fees were included in the total cost of orders and, accordingly, 10% of the service fee was also included in them. We dealt with this issue without swearing and the check was interrupted for us. The staff is friendly. In general, there are improvements in the taste of the dishes, but the service is very lame. This is compared to the last visit to this cafe.
We went for the first time, I really liked books everywhere, a lot of decor, very cozy and comfortable, the staff is good, the prices are good, there is a summer garden, there are 3 menus for children, summer, and simple but it's too hot and so very tasty