Гільдія Проектувальників у Будівництві
Businesses inside
Associations and industrial unions
Certification center
Community organization
Construction company
Design institute
Design studio
Drilling operations
Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment
Modeling agency
Organization of events
Packing materials
Short-term housing rental
Ventilation systems
Water supply and sewage systems
Certification center
Gildiya inzhenerov tekhnicheskogo nadzora za stroitelstvom obyektov arkhitektury
Certification center
Ukrainsky organ po sertifikatsii produktsii stroitelstva Ukrtsentrseprobud
Certification center
Design institute
Kompaniya Ukrproyekt Kholding
Design institute
Institut proyektirovaniya
Design institute
Associations and industrial unions
ВГО Асоціація галузі
Associations and industrial unions
Community organization
Всеукраинская общественная организация Гильдия проектировщиков в строительстве
Community organization
Construction company
KnaufBilt Ukraina
Construction company
Design studio
Anomaly World
Design studio
Drilling operations
Burovyye tekhnologii
Drilling operations
Ltd Bulat Metal
Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment
Булат Гидравлика
Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment
Modeling agency
Modelnoye Agentstvo Nart
Modeling agency
Organization of events
Kompaniya Batterflyays Lend
Organization of events
Packing materials
Fabrika upakovki Bi Feshen Yevropak
Packing materials
Short-term housing rental
Excellent Studio Apartaments in a Secure Residential Complex Comfort Town 1
Short-term housing rental
Ventilation systems
Kompaniya Olimp Grupp
Ventilation systems
Water supply and sewage systems
Alvi Sinergiya
Water supply and sewage systems