Та самая лодочка из теста, в центре которой горячий сыр, сливочное масло и сырое яйцо. Блюдо продолжает готовиться на вашей тарелке: отломите кусочек хачапури и смешайте всю начинку. Хачапури готов. Дрожжевое тесто (мука, дрожжи, соль, сахар), сыр су
19 Br350 g
Хачапури по-мегрельски
Рецепт круглых хачапури особенный. В Мегрелии придумали класть сырную начинку не только внутрь лепешки, но и посыпать сверху. А мы и не против. Дрожжевое тесто (мука, дрожжи, соль, сахар), сыр сулугуни, сливочное масло
19 Br320 g
Мясное ассорти
23 Br310 g
Ассорти из овощей и зелени
18 Br280 g
Рулетики из баклажанов
Ломтики баклажанов с начинкой из измельченных орехов, зелени кинзы и петрушки под россыпью гранатовых зерен. Баклажан, паста из грецкого ореха, кинза, петрушка, чеснок, лук, винный уксус, соль, перец, грузинские специи
18 Br160 g
Тарелка солений
16 Br320 g
Пхали из баклажанов
Заправляем основу пряным соусом из измельченных грецких орехов, грузинских пряностей, добавляем едва уловимые нотки чеснока и лука. Баклажан, грецкий орех, кинза, петрушка, хмели сунели, соль, лук, чеснок, винный уксус, перец чили, зерна граната
15 Br105 g
Пхали из свеклы
Заправляем основу пряным соусом из измельченных грецких орехов, грузинских пряностей, добавляем едва уловимые нотки чеснока и лука. Свекла, грецкий орех, кинза, петрушка, хмели сунели, соль, лук, чеснок, винный уксус, перец чили, зерна граната
14 Br105 g
Пхали из шпината
Заправляем основу пряным соусом из измельченных грецких орехов, грузинских пряностей, добавляем едва уловимые нотки чеснока и лука. Шпинат, грецкий орех, кинза, петрушка, хмели сунели, соль, лук, чеснок, винный уксус, перец чили, зерна граната
I think this place is the best among all the representatives of the franchise! The best and most varied lunch menu! Always delicious khinkali and khachapuri... Cozy and comfortable interior, pleasant colorful music. The staff is polite, attentive, and competent. I recommend you to visit)
Briefly about the advantages, because there are not many of them:
Delicious cuisine. Khinkali is excellent, the dough is smooth, the filling is good, for my taste you can have a little more broth and generally fire. That's all.
And then the cons:
SERVICE! I would like the management to pay attention first of all to the administrators. It's only because of their lack of professionalism that the waiters don't work well. So the overall picture is terrible. First: when two people place an order, you can specify how to serve the dishes (when ready or together). They took out the dishes in the end, as anyone would. First they brought morse and water to my husband, They forgot My kvass. Then they bring me rolls, my husband sits watching and waiting for his refrigerator)) kvass is still not carried (I see it is poured into a glass under a tap). Then they bring khachapuri to my husband (a cold brew, apparently with my kvass comes somewhere). The dirty plate is not taken away. Then they bring a cooler, I remind you about kvass) I see a little fresh is added to it so that the foam is, they wipe it with a napkin that sticks to the glass and so they serve it to me. I ask you to pour fresh, the waiter snorts in response: "I poured fresh," but still pours. And when my husband had already eaten everything, it was my khinkali's turn)) trash. The service is at the level of a roadside cafe. It's a nightmare, I haven't seen this in a long time. And what is most interesting, the administrator was sitting nearby and watched and heard all this. I was sitting in the center of the hall, collecting boxes for delivery and did not get off the phone. She only raised her head a couple of times. Don't you have a place for additional staff work? Why is this all done in the middle of the hall, at the table? In addition, the admin decided that she was beautiful and could walk around the hall and into the kitchen with her hair down!! I'm in shoke
A nice and cozy restaurant with live music and delicious Georgian cuisine. We go there as a family. We celebrated our daughter's baptism there and we really liked the service. Polite and attentive waiters who served food on time and could help if anything was needed.