Abduxoliq G’ijduvoniy (1103–1199) buyuk tasavvuf olimi va Naqshbandiya tariqati shayxlari vorislaridan biri hisoblanadi. U yashirin zikr yo’lini targ’ib qilgan va tariqatning 11 asosini ilgari surgan. G’ijduvon shahrida tug’ilgan va ustozi Yusuf Hamadoniy bilan bu tariqatni keng yoygan. U tariqatning asosiy tamoyillarini nafaqat Markaziy Osiyoda, balki Xuroson va Xorazmda ham tarqatgan. Abduxoliq Gʻijduvoniy maqbarasi ma’naviy va tarixiy ahamiyatga ega bo’lib, ziyorat qilish uchun juda tavsiya etiladi. Bu yerda tasavvufiy xotira bilan bog’liq sokinlik va tinchlik hukm suradi. Ziyoratchilar uchun bu joyning betakror atmosferasi ichki xotirjamlikni his qilish imkonini beradi. Tariqatning izdoshlari va ma’naviyatni qadrlaydiganlar uchun bu joy alohida ahamiyat kasb etadi.
Level 11 Local Expert
September 14
The complex is formed around the grave of the famous Sufi sheikh, founder of the independent school of mysticism and the Khojagon (Khvajagan) order in Central Asia, Abdalkhalik ibn Abdaljalil al-Gijduvani. The place is very clean, there is a pond with swans and geese, a lot of foreign pilgrims, there is a parking place.
The place where Gijduvaniy Abdulkholik was buried, the restoration took place apparently, there are latrines separately for men and women, there is a building of an old school "madrasah", I would like such schools to be restored and more students with the necessary knowledge come out as in the last thousand years
It is a place of great spirituality, the abode of magnaviyat. May Allah Almighty increase our respect and love for our priests day by day. Let us all do the work that deserves the intercession of our priests in the afterlife and serve our religion and the Мұхамah Muhammad. I've done this twice , and I don't want to leave.