Зачем нужна проф гигиена? Неужели, зубной щетки недостаточно? 🤨
❗️Отвечаем: даже ежедневный уход за зубами, дёснами и языком не гарантируе...
November 14, 09:43
🍎🦷 Мифы о еде и зубах: разоблачение 🍭🦷
🚫 Мы разоблачаем несколько распространенных заблуждений о питании и здоровье зубов.
💥 Миф 1: ...
November 14, 09:43
Откуда берётся кариес🤔
◦ Микробы - разнообразные бактерии и дрожжеподобные грибы;
◦ Углеводы - питательная среда для микроорганизмов;
◦ Сн...
November 14, 09:42
Правильный уход за зубами — залог здоровой и красивой улыбки. Вот несколько простых, но эффективных советов, кото...
November 14, 09:42
All news (19)
Products and services
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Лечение периодонтита
Периодонтит —стоматологическое заболеваний, которое характеризуется воспалением соединительной ткани, расположенной между костным ложе и самим зубом.
1 Br
Лечение зубов
Лечение зубов - это комплекс процедур, направленных на восстановление здоровья и функции зубов.
1 Br
Установка пломбы
Установка пломбы - это процедура, при которой стоматолог удаляет кариозную ткань из полости зуба и заполняет получившуюся полость специальным материалом, называемым пломбой, для восстановления формы, функции и эстетики зуба.
1 Br
Консультация стоматолога
Читайте подробности на сайте или узнавайте по телефону! Ждем Вас :)
I have been a client of Hollywood Dental for more than one year, I come here with peace of mind and confidence that great professionals work here, and just wonderful and sincere people.
They never impose anything superfluous, everything is strictly on business. Andrey Yanovich saved more than one tooth for me, and Alexey Viktorovich masterfully installed three zirconium crowns for me, and in two visits-magic!
Thank you for keeping the brand for many years! Thanks to you, I never stop admiring Belarusian dentists!
Only positive impressions from the Hollywood Dental clinic. I was here for a free consultation, dental cleaning and tooth restoration. They explain about the treatment very calmly, even if you look confused and do not understand it the first time :)
The treatment is neat, there are no unnecessary movements and questions, everything is on the case and without the desire to scare you, collect as much money as possible from you. Everything is honestly told, including about the consequences and what you should pay attention to.
Grintsevich Vladimir Vladimirovich is a doctor from God, there is no other way to say it. Reliability is felt from the first reception.
+ A comfortable, friendly atmosphere without any unnecessary pathos, which I have met in other private clinics.
On June 7, I treated a tooth from Dr. Eismont A.Ya. The tooth was problematic - there was a question of nerve removal. The doctor installed an insulating gasket and told me to observe for a couple of months (the tooth reacted to hot, cold and sweet). Surprisingly, there is no reaction from the tooth now. And I consider the cost of treatment at 220 rubles to be absolutely sane (by the way, a year earlier I treated this tooth in the paid office of the state polyclinic - I don't set foot there anymore). I am glad that medicine and, in particular, dentistry is developing and that we still have great specialists in the city. Many thanks to the doctor!