On the one hand, repairs seem to have been made, the wards are clean, the reverse side of the coin is not suitable for nurses until you thank the doctors the same way.
Today, on 18,12,2023, we visited Lenin 94 hospital and a man is sick, an adult woman is not here, there is no one in the hospital, not one door is not open, a person can die 100% my estimates are 0 jan 00 every door we knock is not there
The working day starts at 8 o'clock in the morning, and the doctor arrives at 8.30.He's been changing clothes for another half hour.And then the nightmare begins, Every doctor shoves his friends without waiting in line, but it's okay that we also stand.A woman stands at the entrance and asks to put on masks, And the doctors themselves go without a mask, are they robots or are they bypassing the infection?So I tell her that you need to start from yourself, In short, Aman bolsun!