One star is not enough! Some kind of mymra answers the calls, sends them to 3 Soviet letters without listening to the end of the question, is this education or what? The horror!!!! As such workers are kept at work, let them first learn how to communicate with people, and then answer the phone. I ask the management to pay attention to this unfortunate worker!
The hostel itself is not bad, but the administrator Zhanna is not adequate. Jeanne allows herself to shout at the guests, she personally threatened me with eviction and I moved out on the 2nd day.
1. The price was 3000 by phone, 5000 upon arrival, with the words prices changed, by the way, in 20 minutes. Deception!!! Why lie!!! and they also informed us as a bonus that they have a paid towel. Well, OK, I'm ready to pay for everything without any problems! But I can't keep silent, think about it when you decide to stay here:
2. Cockroaches
3. Dirt, no toilet paper, hand soap, bathroom and shower are dead and old, it's disgusting to touch door handles and everything.
4. Yes, the bed is clean. But, it is not possible to sleep, the noise, the administrator sleeps in the common room, constantly walks, talks and her phone rings.
For your money, a normal hostel. You can spend the night. Overall, it's clean. A toilet without a mirror and toilet paper. Convenient location. You do not need to pay extra for slippers. I didn't go into the shower.