Nice hotel, clean rooms, large rooms. We stayed with our Chinese partners for one night. In principle, there is no discomfort. A medium-sized hotel. It is located in the city center.
The price is reasonable, the staff is good, friendly, but only the cleanliness of the room leaves much to be desired. The day before, we stayed in Samarkand, for the same money, in a hotel. Cleanliness in Samarkand and here - heaven and earth, not in favor of Termez.
But, for which we are very grateful that the hosts turned out to be pet-friendly. Well done. Special thanks 🙏🙏🙏
Umuman yoqimsiz juda qo’pol javob berishadi telfondan online bron qilishni imkoni yo’q
Nikoh hujjatini talab qilishyapdi yevropadan kelganlar uchun umuman noqulay mehmonxona tavsiya qimiman !!
Everything there is old and rusty
When you go to the bathroom, the shower doesn't work there
There is air conditioning, but it does not work. I asked to fix it or at least look at it because it was cold in the room, the receptionist came and told me to wait a little and it would work, but it didn't work anyway.
They give a terrible breakfast, but they don't give appliances, and if they gave appliances, they are dirty
Even 1 point is a lot for them