New product development: разработка и запуск новых продуктов
Это must have компетенции для продакт-менеджеров
И тех, кто выполняет их функции:
- генерирует новые продукты
- отвечает за ввод (и своевременный вывод) продуктов на рынок
- тестирует решения, вносит корректировки, принимает решения по прод...
4960 Br
Директор по развитию
Программа про стр атегию, построение бизнес-моделей, операционное развитие компании, управление инвестициями и изменениями
3860 Br
Продукт-менеджер START
Продукт-менеджер - это предприниматель внутри компании, который занимается исследованиями клиентов, пользователей, новых технологий, создаёт и запускает на рынок новые продукты, выводит с рынка устаре вшие продукты, принимает решения об апгрейдах прод
I took the product manager start course. I am extremely pleased with both the material and the presentation from speaker Dmitry. The course is held in a super lamp atmosphere. The course was held online and surprisingly did not experience any discomfort from this. We organized everything very cool and convenient for online participants. I would also like to note that there were guys from completely different niches and different scales on the course. Someone works in a company with a revenue of $ 70 million, and someone builds their business with a revenue of $ 300k and both have gained benefits and knowledge that can really be applied in their work and businesses. Definitely one of the best investments in your knowledge and I recommend it to anyone who responds at least a little to the theme of the "product". Once again, I sincerely thank the entire Humatheq team and in particular Dmitry for his knowledge, experience and manner of presentation of the material!
Completed training - Development of new products! I've been looking for something like this for a long time! I found it in Belarus! I've been visiting! This is the first time I have seen and heard such an approach and such knowledge. I really liked it and highly recommend it to all those who want to expand the 'field' of development and do it with their heads, and not with the slogan - let's make skis!! Well done guys!
He was trained in the program "NDP development and launch of new products" in 2023. A very interesting and useful program. It helps to change your mindset and realize the very essence of creating innovative products. After training, you begin to stick to store shelves and evaluate products for a strong and weak product, in an attempt to project how the manufacturer was going to such a result. By the end of the course there is a thesis. No indulgences. If the idea is so-so, they will tell you so. But here, the main thing is experience, and we do not learn without mistakes. Good luck to Dmitry Chernomorets and his team!