I was there many times in 2022 and now in this, a normal store, I didn't like one moment - when I walked around the hall, I heard screams of a showdown between boorish employees somewhere in the warehouse, of course, this shouldn't be, this isn't some kind of bazaar, and then - there's no such thing in the bazaar either It must be. On December 20 or 21, 2024, I heard these incomprehensible showdowns between employees, as I understood it in the store. The store's management should pay attention to inadequate employees and, to put it mildly, urge them to be adequate, urgently. As it is, everything is fine in the store. Due to the human factor of some employees - 4 points
The range of products is normal. Prices for fruits, vegetables, and sweets are higher than in many other retail outlets. The announcement on the toilet door about a paid service is generally shocking, being a gross violation of consumer rights, because access there should be free even for passers-by, not to mention the store's customers. This is provided for by the decree of the Ministry of Health No. 102 dated October 12, 2015, published on the website of the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health.
Pros: the list of products is quite diverse. It is located a short distance from the house.
Cons: long queues at the checkout due to lack of staff!!! This causes people to disagree and quarrel in the queue and do not want to go to buy something here.There are such queues that you just go to the neighboring small shops so as not to waste your time.