The store is very good. The product range is large, it has everything! But one unpleasant incident occurred. There was a long queue at the meat department, and two people were serving. One of those who served did not let the phone out of her hands, then completely ran into the hall to continue running with the phone. There was a queue without a seller (the second one went to the cakes, and the queue was already moving there in order to buy something faster)! Having caught the woman who served, and then completely ran away, she asked to return and serve further, to which she snorted and ran away with the phone in her hands! When we already started fighting, the cake seller came back and started serving and said :- Hush, it's the DEPUTY! After a while, this "deputy" returned and continued to serve in the meat department, she was wearing non-acrylic (blue) gloves. She ran around the hall in them, scratched her head in them and continued to serve in the meat department in them. Upon arrival home, there was a naturally black hair in a bag with chicken butchering.
Therefore, the service is terrible, disgusting. This DEPUTY spoke rudely in a very raised tone.
Convenient location, at the entrance to the city, and next to the highway. Who knows, you can turn off the highway along the way and buy what you need. Products, manufactured goods. The prices are acceptable, there are promotions.There is a cooking department.
There is a parking lot next to the store. Friendly staff.
Basically, a big good store with a good assortment of goods. But I won't give it 5 stars. It's cold, and it feels like something is missing, more like a wholesale database with retail price tags.