Convenient access, access and accessibility there are also various shops, a minibus with a stop, there is a place to warm up, drink delicious coffee or eat
14.10.23 I bought 2 pieces of brisket in the sausage department store (the cost of the promotion with a 20% discount is about 660 rubles.). At first I didn't understand why the seller puts each piece in different bags, even though I weighed it together. I realized at home, she just stole a smaller piece from me. I didn't notice, because there was also a sausage I bought in this package. The buyer simply cannot forget the goods, because they are handed to him what they bought in one package through the counter. I discovered the absence only after 3 hours, I did not return: it was useless (it would not return anyway) and far away. I didn't leave the store right away, because I was still shopping in the bread and dairy departments, i.e. to notice and return from the seller, if it was an accident, there was an opportunity. Departments are nearby. Outright thief in the sausage department. Disgusting. Therefore, I do not evaluate the work of the store in any way.What is there to evaluate? Advice to others:check the contents of the package that is handed to you.
I don't even know how many years this store has been in this place?! In principle, nothing special. Cleanly, the sellers look at you as if you've come to their house! 😁