NO INCLUSIVENESS. In addition, the fact that it is located in the office of one of the two largest Belarusian mobile operators, A1, attracted us with the name – we had not previously met with such a one in relation to catering. It was supposed to be for people with disabilities. (It turned out that inclusion is an approach aimed at creating comfortable conditions for ANY people: completely healthy or with disabilities, of different ages, gender, gender (??!), ethnicity and religion. Therefore, an inclusive cafe is probably one where anyone can come without any difficulties and inconveniences). As for us, we have not found any signs of inclusivity or exclusivity here. A completely ordinary – and even modern-poor design, an ordinary rack of dishes – and the choice of which is small, and the prices are high. It can only attract employees of this office and customers of the "reception windows" of the mobile operator and the bank located here, if there is a long queue and you want to have something to eat. We didn't see any "inclusive people" here either. In general, whatever you call yourself for the sake of advertising…