The staff and doctors probably think that we owe them, we waited for the doctor for more than an hour, we wanted to make a refund, but they told us, quote, do you know what I have to do in order to make a refund, go downstairs and fill out the paperwork there, wait for her to come up
Buyuragimdi tekshirilgani borgan edim
Konsultatsiya ga tulov qildirdi, seydik topshirtirdi, qon olishi, va uzey qildi, bu xammasi juda qimmat, va menga qarab buyragingizda shamollash borrovvv menimcha deyishdi, qizzigi uzi qogozdi xam yuqotib quydi Duxtur,va tulov qilib keling yana bir bor uziga tushasiz deydi. Achinarlisi men shamollash borrovvv degan gapini eshitish uchun shuncha xarajad qildimmi,