Группа 13 (±1) Учеников
2 книги ( Students book and Home book)
Фирменная Тетрадь Grammar и Vocabulary
Сервис Academic Support
Видео Арсенал для каждого урока
Speaking Club и Master-class
996000 сўм
Группа: 13 (±1) Учеников
4 книги ( Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking, Vocabulary )
Фирменная Тетрадь Grammar и Vocabulary
Сервис Academic Support
Видео Арсенал для каждого урока
Mock IELTS каждую неделю
The first impression was mixed as the training was delayed, but thanks to the teacher and the support who have always been involved in your training and development, my opinion about this center has changed