Good sellers told me everything and helped with the choice. The prices are also nice. A good auto parts store, and most importantly, competent advice from sellers. I will also order spare parts.
A good spare parts store, there is almost everything you are looking for, the sellers are considerate in communication, the quality of the goods is good.
There are a lot of original spare parts, the prices are reasonable, the staff is responsive, they will answer any questions, the spare parts are mostly original.
The location of the store is convenient, there is Parking nearby.
They advised that it was cheaper and of high quality, they did not lie, everything is as it is.
A lot is available and can be ordered.
I have a caliper
I bought spare parts for the car. The prices of the product (part) of the Russian automotive industry wish to be the best. The change remains in the available segment. The company's specialists will tell you what is suitable for other cars.
In the network of the same seller (in other stores), I have bought goods of poor quality.