Those who want to learn IT can also learn online courses. And if you have a whole university, even if it's cramped, it's very cool
But the strongest anti-advertising of this institution is their website
It's time to change the flattering review to subjective criticism and statistics - I will conduct a survey among graduates and write here, but I will immediately add, if there is an opportunity to enroll abroad, do not hesitate for a minute. If not, then in the IT standards only IT and be sure to budget, pay for tuition for yourself
A new university. Striving for innovation. The robotics team successfully participates in international competitions. Educational programs are being developed in the most modern areas of IT
High quality of education, lessons are held only in English, all classrooms are equipped with computers, teachers do not have a standard approach to education, the best in Kazakhstan.
A cool university, there is also a college at the university.
There are their own laboratories.
If I had known about this university before entering Turan, then I would have entered it.
The building is small, but there are too many people. There is always a queue for the elevator. There is often an overload.
Everything is very expensive in the canteen (in the student canteen)
Secondary education
I have written the Olympiad at this university a number of times. Computers in offices with them are not happy. The Internet disappears at the right moment.
High quality education. But it's hard. You have to work hard to achieve a result. Good luck to those who are going to enroll and those who are already studying there
There is an opportunity to go to study for an exchange. There are a lot of students, it's crowded. You can't get into the elevator. But after all, there are 9 floors.