Лубрикант классический универсальный на водной основе MaxGlide Aqua Classic (100 мл)
Maxglide Aqua Classic - классический универсальный лубрикант на водной основе с гиалуроновой кислотой и алоэ вера.
Дарит приятные шелковистые ощущения на коже, не оставляет липких ощущений, не скатывается.
В состав лубриканта входят 3 базовых нез...
A great store. A wide selection of condoms: unisex, sagami, ganzo and other well-known brands. And the number of interesting lubricants and stimulants generally makes your eyes run away, you want to try everything))
The store is quite large, 2 halls with various goods, there is a consultation. And there is a metro station nearby)
A wonderful store. A large assortment, many things are available, there are loyalty cards and the ability to order missing goods. A very intelligent and competent consultant. It is difficult to leave without buying.
Of the disadvantages, there is no parking in principle. Only parking at Komarovsky market.
I recommend the store.
A very cool store! A large assortment, competent specialists, a pleasant atmosphere. Now only to you!)
Py.sy. And the most important plus: convenient location!