VMA является конечным продуктом метаболизма адреналина и норадреналина, двух важных гормонов в человеческом организме. Она в основном выделяется с мочой, и ее уровень может указывать на различные состояния, связанные с эндокринной системой.
1410 din.
Borrelia Burgdorferi ПЦР
IntroLab у Београду специјализована је за ПЦР-анализу Borrelia Burgdorferi, који открива бактерију изазивача болести Лајма у клешћима. Ова напредна метода пружа точне информације за превенцију и дијагностику болести Лајма.
Nurse didn’t know how to take blood and some man from reception try to navigate her through this process, but she did it wrong and now my hand look like this.
Also she was without gloves.
As an Introlab Lab client, I have only positive impressions. Their blood test services exceeded all my expectations. The professionalism and attention to detail shown by their experts is impressive. The results were provided at a convenient time, and their accuracy is beyond doubt. I recommend Introlab Laboratory to anyone who appreciates quality and reliability in medical tests.
A convenient and informative website - signed up for analysis in a couple of clicks. The procedure itself went without problems, everything (signing documents, payment and analysis) took about 5-10 minutes.
Next time I will come only here, because I liked everything