Hello everyone I came to the Incubator with knowledge of the front, gained mainly through the course of the Samurai's Reaction Path, little work experience in rather controversial companies and a great desire to work in a good place, so I decided to start teaching backend.
By the time I started my studies, I had already studied at the front for one and a half to two years, but with a poor system, few hours a week and completely alone. The incubator gave me a system and a clear path that I just had to follow and not merge. After 10-12 months of training in the incubator, with short breaks, I received my first offer in the backend.
On average, I didn't study as much as others - 5 hours a day, 25-30 a week. But everything is fickle here - there are days, weeks when you work for 12 hours a day, and sometimes you don't have the strength to write at least a line of code, open an article, answer a question to the bot all day. My advice to beginners is to learn a little bit, but every day, to develop a system for yourself and not merge, follow it - you do not need to go out of your way to fill as many hours as possible - because of the rush, you can both bury knowledge and burn out.
I've merged a couple of times myself-for a period of no more than a month. But I already had a lot of time spent on programming, some kind of system, and I couldn't drain it all down the toilet. In addition, it is much easier not to merge when you have motivation from mentors, from Dimych and other students, when you want to, you don't want to, but all this kicks you to act.
In mid-August 2023, I got my first full-time job - a fullstack position in the MoyClass for 3 months of testing for 50k and 60k after passing. I had to work with the ancient Angular 1.5 version and legacy backend without typescript, where most of the logic was in middleware. The company didn't do much refactoring of this horror - the emphasis was on rolling out new features and fixes of what was already falling off. Because of all this, as well as the tense situation in the team, widespread bureaucracy and impostor syndrome, I spent 10 hours a day working and still felt that I was doing something wrong, I was constantly stressed.
The result of this is a loss of interest, attentiveness and a lot of bugs. After 2 months of testing, after I could not find the bug that we rolled out on the prod with my MP, they paid me for the last month of work and said goodbye. PS: even now I'm looking, MyClass is constantly posting vacancies to find specialists. Well, good luck to you, with such a code base)
Well, after I was fired, of course, I was upset, I gave up on training, job search, CV for a month and just didn't do a damn thing. But then, simply, without a cover letter or anything else, I responded to the first vacancy that came along, and the next day I passed the tech. so, I received an offer for 55k for 1 month of testing, after which - 60k of salary. And the technology, the team and everything-everything-everything in Alliance South is a hundred times better than in MyClass.
So the guys who are trying to find a job - do not despair, do not sweat about it too much, download technology and a good job will find you on its own. And I advise people to learn to love technology and what you have to do - to enjoy both the process and the result and get into the firm habit of learning every day and dealing with difficulties (without which you will not be pumped) as a challenge, not as a suffering. Good luck, let's fly!
The approach here is really "human". It is pleasant to communicate with managers, mentors, teachers, you can contact them in person — they will answer and help (and quickly enough).
It is felt that teachers are not only good programmers, but also people with pedagogical skills. They will explain the material as much as necessary until you understand. No one breaks down, screams, humiliates (even if you are very stupid or did not do the dz, did not prepare). It is clear that people like what they are doing. And there is no such thing: the teacher is always right and there can be no other way. They also continue to study and learn something new, and this motivates students very much, personal example is always contagious))
Great community! Everyone helps each other, there is no arrogance and arrogance.
And it is encouraging that the incubator itself also continues to develop. Dimych and his team are constantly improving the program, adding something new and striving to make learning even better!
Huge thanks to the entire incubator team and special thanks to Max Orlov!
These are no longer just courses, but a community with developers)
7 months have passed from the moment of training to the first offer. I had to study a lot: from 30-40 hours a week. Before the courses, I studied on my own, but then I realized that there was too much information and it was difficult to structure it. I chose courses for a long time and found the guys) I went through all the free master classes, went to the open house and realized that I really want to come here.
The study is designed so that everyone reaches the end to the best of their abilities. The main thing is to take steps every day) The training is divided into sprints. A sprint is 1 month with a certain amount of information that needs to be learned. If you failed, you can stay for another month and consolidate the result.
Convenient support for mentors who are really ready to understand your problem.
The information is constantly updated, and an understanding of the architecture is also given. Therefore, even after learning how to React, I quickly started writing on the View.
Studying is difficult, and finding a job is also difficult. But those who do not give up, and really get high from it, get a great chance) The main thing is not to give up yourself
If they ask about courses where to really learn, then I always send them here) Thanks to the guys who created such a cool product