Развиваем креативность и проводим эксперименты, осваиваем физику, механику и электронику, а также учимся программировать микроконтроллеры – всему этому научат детей на курсах по техномейкерству.
112 Br
Одно из самых перспективных направлений. Уже через несколько лет инженер-робототехник будет в топе востребованных профессий. На курсах робототехники дети научатся конструировать и программировать собственных роботов, управлять современной техникой.
112 Br
Программирование и Game Dev
Прокачиваем логику, креатив и практику программирования. Учимся создавать игры, приложения и сайты, превращая увлечения ребенка в увлекательный обучающий процесс.
My son is taking a robotics course for the second year. I really like classes. Qualified and attentive teachers. A wonderful place to develop a child's skills.
We came to classes not from September, but closer to the new year, the child is 7 years old and has no experience of this kind of classes. However , we were able to fully integrate into the educational process ! Thanks to the teacher for his attentiveness and professionalism, for the ability to find an approach to children! After attending open lessons, you become convinced of what an interesting direction for children and how much effort children put into making everything work out! Thanks for the new knowledge, we plan to go with pleasure in the new academic year!
I liked the training, we spent 1 year, we plan to study in the summer and further in the next academic year. We want to get acquainted with all directions. The child liked the teacher, the administration and managers are also very pleasant☺