Создать игры можно на разных платформах: iOS, Андроид, Linux, Виндовс, Mac. После создания возможно публиковать свои разработки в Интернете.
140 Br4 pcs.
Разработка веб-сайтов с использованием HTML, CSS и JavaScript
На занятиях будет проходить обучение детей созданию сайтов. Ребенок познакомится с основами программирования, начнет изучать языки разметки HTML и стилей CSS.
140 Br4 pcs.
Программирование на языке Python (online/offline)
Наша компания - ITMouse - предлагает обучение основам Python для детей и подростков - в возрасте от 13 до 17 лет. Обучение ведётся онлайн из любой точки мира.
140 Br4 pcs.
CodeCombat: Программирование на языке JavaScript (online/offline)
Курсы Джава Скрипт в школе ITMouse — это отличный способ развить критическое мышление, воспитать творческий подход в выполнении самых разных задач.
140 Br4 pcs.
CodeCombat: Программирование на языке Python (online/offline)
CodeCombat — популярная во всем мире платформа, которая учит кодить на Python. Игрок с помощью текстового кода управляет персонажем, собирает кристаллы и выполняет миссии.
We have been practicing for almost 2 years. The impression is twofold. As great as the first year of study was, the second year was just as bad.
For the first year, my son took a course on game development on Scratch. A wonderful teacher. She is always active, proactive, can scold and praise (Romanovich N.E.). Tasks were checked on time. The child did everything with pleasure.
The second year is Codewars in Python. We took a break for a month, as we noticed that interest was disappearing. The question has been raised more than once that something seems to be missing. But they always got the answer that the child was doing well. But in the end they decided to quit. The child did not perform the DZ on time, there was no control. But on the part of the admin and their conversations with the teachers, everything was fine with us. It got to the point that I just photographed my personal account with an untested dz for a month and clarified whether this was considered a successful completion of the course. We must pay tribute, the director considers such appeals. But what's next. And then nothing. After you receive the director's response, no one cares about your decision or your thoughts about the proposed solution to the problem. Customer focus is at zero. As is the discount issue. Track it yourself. What you're supposed to do. But if you suddenly run out of payment for lessons, you will immediately receive a message that it's time to pay
It is not so sorry for the money wasted, how much time the child has. Yes, and the desire was repulsed. Now we must try to regain interest and desire
My son has been studying at the courses for 5 years. I have completed almost all the courses that are available at IT Mouse. I like it.:
1. Extremely adequate teachers who find approaches to different children (when necessary, they will spur, scold, praise-real it moms);
2. In offline learning-small groups - it moms pay attention to each child;
3. With online training-almost individual training;
4. The child learns not only in programming courses, but also gets homework to consolidate the material;
5. In my opinion, the super cool idea of teachers is to protect projects in a large studio, many children are shy, but seeing how others protect their project they become more relaxed and everyone sees how cool they are.
We are very satisfied.
We will be very happy to finish at IT Mouse, the little that remains to us.
My son has been studying for several years, he likes everything. The program is selected according to age and abilities, we started with the simplest one. The teachers explain everything in an accessible and understandable way. If problems or questions arise, everything is resolved promptly. I'm happy)