Prices used to be not expensive, but now even the Alinur store has become cheaper, when you ask sellers to help you find something, not like no, either they will not help you with a satisfied look, or they will say look there somewhere, often the products were overdue, we did not look at the date, we accepted the refund, we sent a complaint to icomek that there often products are overdue, sellers do not know what politeness is, they have stopped going to this store for half a year
Сеть супермаркетов Жаналык в шымкенте особенно в ЖМ нурсат их 3!
Всегда все свежие продукты. Овощной и мясной отдел отдельно. Работает 2 кассы, тележки есть, парковка есть, кассиры хорошие. но всегда меняются. есть специальная лестница для инвалидов в коляске