Этот тур поистине вобрал в себя все лучшее, чтобы дать максимальное представление о настоящем Вьетнаме в рамках однодневной поездки
3000000 ₫1 d
Джип-тур Дикий Нячанг
Дикий Нячанг - это не просто отдых, это приключение, которое позволит полностью отключиться от повседневной суеты и погрузиться в уникальную атмосферу тропических лесов Вьетнама
Type of tours:ecological, exotic, surfing, rural tourism, car, individual, guided, beach, pilgrimage, educational, recreational, cruises, youth, safari, adventure, entertainment, corporate holiday, business tours, gastronomic, for groups, cultural and educational
Mode of movement:walking, transportation, combined, water
Payment method:cash, payment by card, electronic money, bank transfer, Fast payment system
On March 4, my family and I set off on an unforgettable trip from Nha Trang with Konstantin.
We visited a craft workshop, a Buddha statue, iconic gates and structures, rice and lotus fields, tasted real Vietnamese coffee (not the pop coffee that they sell in trendy cafes) and a sugar cane drink. On the way to the waterfall, we enjoyed the scenery of the local surroundings. A secluded waterfall with crystal clear water, hidden from tourists, has captured the hearts. Konstantin is a very warm-hearted and easy-going person, he told us about the history and culture of Vietnam in a very fascinating and enthusiastic way. We learned a lot about the way of life of local residents and small villages.
You will be lucky if you manage to get on this author's tour.
Many thanks from the residents of Kaliningrad for this day
On September 26, we took a jeep tour with a guide named Konstantin.
We traveled in a 1949 jeep as part of a group of 4 people, including the driver. On the way to the waterfall through the jungle, we visited many interesting places, in each of which Konstantin's fascinating story about the history and way of life of Vietnam awaited us.
The weather for our tour had its own plans, and half the time we were accompanied by a downpour, but this could not spoil our adventure. We swam in the waterfall in the rain and enjoyed the view of the fog descending from the mountains - it was magical!
Konstantin treated us to various goodies on the way, which he bought at various locations, and took care of our comfort. Despite the group format of the tour, we felt his individual approach to each of us.
We definitely recommend his excursions. After getting to know Konstantin, other tours will seem boring to you - we felt it in full.
I really enjoyed the trip to the waterfall!!! Konstantin tells us about literally everything in a very interesting way!!! We are thrilled to meet you!!! I highly recommend Konstantin!