They demand an advance payment, and then they throw your order into the far corner. They report that they are engaged in your order, but in fact no one even starts doing anything. By phone, they are transferred to different employees who cannot give reliable data, or they constantly answer that everyone is at lunch. As a result: it is impossible to achieve either the production of the order or a refund. An unscrupulous organization. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND IT!
We ordered the manufacture of knives. They require an advance payment, and then they throw your order into the far corner. They report that they are engaged in your order, but in fact no one even starts to do anything. They are transferred by phone to different employees who cannot give reliable data, or they constantly answer that everyone is at lunch. As a result: neither the production of the order nor the refund can be achieved. An unscrupulous organization. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND IT!