Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
Shawarma tastes good, the wait is often very long. 20-30 minutes is a bit much for shawarma. It's frustrating that in terms of food safety, everything is bad here, just like everywhere else.
A cook in gloves takes chemistry, processes the table, takes a dirty rag in the same gloves, wipes and does not wash either his hands or at least gloves already), takes out a ready-made shawarma. In the same accepts payment
I ordered shawarma online for the first time and immediately had some problems. When ordering, he specified a cheese tortilla. Upon arrival, 5-10 minutes later, the shawarma did not begin to prepare until he went inside. When they cooked it turned out that there was no cheese tortilla---- the question immediately why was not informed. When ordering, he indicated in the comments that without a tomato----- the shawarma with tomatoes turned out to be punctured again. I don't understand why comments are written. Cooks do not understand if a person is allergic to some product what the outcome may be. Extremely negative shaverma. I don't recommend it. Chefs don't fit their position at all. There is only one negative left.
There used to be a better place. Now it's not that it's gotten worse, but it's impossible to eat at all. I threw Donner in the trash. I've always recommended this place to my friends, but now I don't know what to do… Still, the kitchen is very dependent on the cook and at the moment the cook is not the same.