Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
6.5 Br130 g
10 Br130 g
Палочки сырные
Хрустящие палочки из сыра, обжаренные до золотистого цвета. Полны вкуса и кажутся невероятно привлекательными для любителей сыра
We ordered the delivery of shawarma. On trial, as from a new/different network. Greek - the ingredients corresponded to the declared composition, arrived well warm. The taste is not boring and not bland. This is one of the advantages. One of the disadvantages is the almost square shape on the slice - it is not convenient to eat. Too much sauce, too much pekingese, too little chicken. Apparently, due to the large amount of liquid fraction in the composition, it is not twisted tightly enough. I note - this was the first order through the application - there was an opportunity to part and pleasantly surprise ... but no, we saved money... The general impression is so-so, we tried, but a common future is unlikely... we return to the time-tested papa doner, I hope he will forgive the "betrayal" :)
It was the first time we tried shawarma on this network. A complete disappointment. Someone in the reviews compared it to Papa doner. Guys))) In what place. We took the classic one, about nothing. I wonder if those who cook try it at all. There is an opportunity to try out competitors and improve your own, but no one needs it. The chicken had veins, skin and cartilage🫠 There are also questions about the sauce