I am pleased with a fairly large selection of goods and quite adequate prices. I figured out the site quickly, although at first it seemed that everything was somehow difficult to do. Delivery is strictly on time.
I finally received my parcel from Japan and can tell you about my experience of interacting with this online store.
Brief background:
I met JSM Japan by chance when I wanted to buy paraphernalia for the Anime I was interested in, having no experience with other online stores, my gaze fell on this one. Why? I do not know this, because there are really a lot of product positions when selecting, even a link to the original Japanese sites where I can view this (and not only his) lot. There were many questions about valuable images and how they work, because someone does not do business based on "Philanthropic" motives, besides, they gave 500 yen at registration. There were questions, but after choosing the product (in my case, a lot) and taking a chance, I paid for it, then there was a wait (about 3 weeks) before it arrived at their warehouse. After that, information was received about the cost of delivery to the Russian Federation, and then pay the cost of delivery from Moscow to the Russian Federation. And here it is, I have my order!
I would like to add that the product arrived exactly in the form in which I ordered, and I ordered from an auction that was almost closing and the employees of this store promptly bought it back.
+ Great variety;
+ Democratic values (provided that you buy in bulk or several items of different goods);
+ Quick feedback (everything was fine here until the parcel arrived at the forwarding point, I was a little worried, since they did not respond for two weeks. But! I suppose the problem was that it fell at the beginning of September, so I can understand);
- An incomprehensible system for setting delivery prices (although there is a calculator on the site, but how do I know the dimensions and weight of the parcel?);
- (I would not say that this is the problem of this store, but I will mention it anyway): Waiting, the main problem of buying from abroad, is nerves and a desire to know: - And where is my paid product? But so, we will have to wait until the flight is filled with orders from other people (in my case, 1 month), then until she arrives in Russia in a roundabout way. But this is not a problem on the part of JSM, but the arrangement of logistics chains in our difficult times.
- (the post office is also to blame here, but it's worth saying); The box came broken, with a sticker about the damage to the parcel and indeed, one of the boxes was torn, but, fortunately, everything worked out, and only it suffered, the contents are intact.
Bottom line: I want to say that it was an interesting experience, as a result of which I paid more for delivery than for the goods, and on the other hand, considering how she made a circle to get to me + weight, the price is quite justified. And I think that in the future I will still make orders, but about anything fragile, I would think about the expediency of this action. Recommend.
I made a pre-order for a limited product through them, as a result, they did not receive payment for some of these goods and they reported this only a year later - when only resellers have the goods twice as expensive. They are fed with promises, but at the same time they refuse to provide information about who, from where, in what quantity and in what order of orders buys this product. They refuse to redeem it according to the options provided, and they also set new deadlines for receiving it to the warehouse, i.e. it may take even more than a year.