Qumran is an Israeli national park in the gorge and wadi on a dry plateau, about 1.5 km from the northwestern coast of the Dead Sea and one of the caves of the Judean Mountains.
Qumran is known as the place where the Dead Sea scrolls were found in 11 caves — manuscripts of the II century BC–I century.The Dead Sea scrolls were first discovered in clay pots by a Bedouin shepherd in 1947. From the moment of discovery in 1947 until 1956, about 900 scrolls of various degrees of preservation were found here, mostly written on parchment, but also on papyrus.Extensive excavations were carried out, which began in 1953 and continue to this day. These finds, after their translation and study, will open a new page in the history of the Holy Land! After visiting Israel, you can see everything for yourself...I strongly advise you to make this trip!