A small shop under the house, convenient and close. There is almost everything, all types of payments, unlike other small shops, pleasant service. This is the very moment when you come in and they will smile sweetly at you, ask how you and all your relatives are😂 the only thing is a small choice of sausage /cheese and there was a delay in the milk. We changed it without any problems, well done, in general!)
The merchant is cheerful and good. The best store in the area that I've been to! Thanks for everything! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Bybybyb Bybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybbybby