Если у вас есть какие-то сомнения или вопросы, то приглашаем вас на личную консультацию. Мастер ответит на ваши вопросы по цвету, форме и подберет оттенок пигмента специально для вас.
1 Br1 pcs.
Перманентный макияж губ (Мастер)
280 Br1 pcs.
Перманентный макияж губ (ВИП-мастер)
Процедуру выполняет вип-мастер, преподаватель.
450 Br1 pcs.
Удаление некачественного/старого перманента
80-100 руб. в зависимости от зоны и остатка. Удаляем старый перманент губ, бровей, век.
80 Br1 pcs.
180 Br1 pcs.
Перманентный макияж бровей (Мастер)
Процедуру выполняет мастер.
280 Br1 pcs.
Перманентный макияж бровей (ВИП-мастер)
Процедуру выполняет вип-мастер, преподаватель.
450 Br1 pcs.
Перекрытие старого татуажа бровей
Нужна предварительная консультация с мастером, можно ли перекрыть ваш перманент или нужно сначала почистить его на удалении. Стоимость работы определяется после консультации.
My wife 's review
I was a model for Ekaterina for the first time on an interstitial about 5-6 years ago. I really liked the approach to the client, Ekaterina is a very attentive master and a pleasant girl. It was done very efficiently and beautifully. Then, after a long break, she also came to work as a lip model for a student under the guidance of Ekaterina. The procedure went perfectly. The girl did exactly as I wanted. Ekaterina was always there, guiding and helping if needed. I didn't have a feeling of fear or doubt for a second while making a permanent student. As a result, I did 3 lip permanent procedures and today I came to Ekaterina for eyebrows. I am confident in the quality and safety of the procedure. I know what they will do, reading all my wishes. I won't be afraid to come as a model again, if necessary, as Ekaterina is very experienced and a very good teacher. I will visit this salon as needed, I don't see any reason for myself to look for something else, since the quality of the work, the approach to the client and the atmosphere in general completely suit me. Good luck, prosperity and good mood to you. Thank you for making beauty at such a high level. 😊
I was on permanent makeup today (interstitial). A cozy clean studio, a pleasant atmosphere immediately make you feel comfortable. It feels like the master is a professional in his field. I did the job efficiently, painlessly and quickly. I was very pleased with the result, I think that in the future we will be "friends". Good luck and prosperity to all employees! Thank you for your hard work 🌷
A couple of days ago, I completed my first visit to permanent eyebrow makeup from a novice master under the supervision of an experienced specialist, and I was delighted! The master showed incredible care and professionalism, and an experienced curator helped and gave valuable advice. The eyebrows turned out to be natural and neat, and the process was comfortable. I will be happy to return for correction and recommend it to anyone who wants to try permanent makeup!