Курс «УЧУСЬ УЧИТЬСЯ» Курс по развитию памяти, внимания, мышления. Учим работать с текстами, большими объемами информации, делать конспекты, готовиться к контрольным. Наши студенты тратят на 20% меньше времени на выполнение д/з
Основные темы курса:
Развитие воображения, образно-ассоциативного мышления.
Особенности запоминания информации с опорой на органы чувств (разные каналы восприятия информации).
Зрительная память и работа с образами.
Упражнения на концен...
120 Br8 ac.hour
КУРС "СВОЕ ДЕЛО" по основам предпринимательства для школьников в КАВАЛЬСКИ ГРОДНО
КУРС "СВОЕ ДЕЛО" - это пошаговая программа обучения основам предпринимательства и запуску первых проектов. Ребята научаться оценивать жизнесособность бизнес идеи, определять ЦА, изучать спрос и конкурентов, считать точку безубыточности и тд
140 Br8 ac.hour
КУСР "ФИНАНСОВАЯ ГРАМОТНОСТИ" - это пошаговая программа обучения управлению личными финансами, основам экономики, финансовой безопасности. Достигнет первую финансовую цель уже в процессе обучения. Прокачаем все софт скиллы.
ФИНАНСОВАЯ ГРАМОТНОСТЬ ДЛЯ ШКОЛЬНИКОВ ОТ 8 ДО 17 ЛЕТ В "КАВАЛЬСКИ" ГРОДНО. Работаем с 2017 года. Умение распоряжаться деньгами поможет Вашему ребенку позаботится о себе, чтобы ни соучилось с Вами, его работой, браком или экономикой страны.
My son goes to classes, I'm learning to study! I really like everything, the staff, the teacher's attitude, and the content of the information I receive. We made up a rhyme with the kids in honor of our favorite school:
If you want to become smart, you need to get up very early!
Comb your hair, smile, and return to Kowalska.
Take a pencil case, a notebook and a pen, mom and dad by the hand.
And in front of us, we can go boldly-to learn a good deed!
We get so much knowledge, chips, and cases per lesson!
There's a good bank in the business school,
There will be a reckoning at the end.
We get oceansand we exchange them for monkeys.
That's the end of the story-who's with Kowalski-Well done!
Kowalski School is a very interesting, informative, entertaining, motivating, developing school. The innovative approach, the friendly attitude of teachers and the free movement of children during the lesson creates a favorable learning environment. Children learn by playing and having fun, and this ease allows teachers to give a lot of interesting knowledge and ideas. And, since this does not happen from under a stick, children do not resist learning, but on the contrary absorb everything like sponges and happily run to the next lesson. I like the motivation, the money they earn and can spend. Teachers talk and teach what surrounds us every day, first they open the door to the financial world, explaining its nuances to their little chicks, and then, every year they deepen and improve more and more. And children are becoming much more financially savvy than we are (their parents, at their age). Plus, Kavalski is not only a theory, knowledge is consolidated in practice, with the help of special games, meetings are held with people who have implemented their financial projects, who share their experiences and achievements. This is also the involvement of children in a charity project. Comprehensive development of the child as a person, aimed not only at consumption.
Plus the convenient location of the school!
I am very pleased that my daughter went to study financial literacy at the Kavalsky Business School, a very necessary, important and relevant course in our time. Among the advantages of training: interesting topics, friendly atmosphere, convenient class time, professionalism of teachers (I would like to mention Maria separately), rich events in addition to educational ones, adequate cost. There were no disadvantages)))