Well, what can be said about this educational institution. It is a great opportunity for children to get a business education already at school, to improve the quality of the English language, and in principle, children's schooldays are interesting. I speak confidently, Because I have a child studying in her and the results are visible and her desire to go to school, and this is very positive
The school where I study has expensive tuition, but the quality of education is only at an average level. In addition, the atmosphere in the classroom is unpleasant due to the inappropriate behavior of many classmates.
The school is corrupt in every sense! In addition to exams, you need to GIVE an envelope, so to speak, so that your child is accepted, or you need connections to get there
A very good school. For children, holidays are held with hanging balloons, posters. It was pajama day recently. The children were all in pajamas at school. Very interesting and fun.
Очень хорошая школа с продленным днем, и хорошим педагогическим составом. Детям очень нравится. Наконец-то и наши дети могут учиться в более свободной форме обучения и ходить в школу с удовольствием.