We WERE DECEIVED! I do not exclude that purposefully. First: I told you to send it by parcel, and then at the end when you pay and nothing changes, it turned out that it was a parcel! Which costs almost TWICE as MUCH!!! And this is a minute more expensive by 9 thousand tenge!
And then the second thing: at the very end they tell me to pay in cash. When I said payment by card from the very beginning of registration. This is also irreversible, only in cash or to reissue everything!!! It also deprived me of a cashback of about 2 thousand tenge! And so everything would be fine, the queue is small, the man helps to distribute people.
As everywhere in Kazpost, this branch is a mess! The last time I was there, not a single window worked at all. There was only one cashier who worked, received in the room for the delivery of parcels. Everyone was there! And payment of receipts, and letters, and parcels! The horror! There are 20 people in the queue.... If it were not necessary, I would have bypassed Kazpost altogether and never entered it!