In the 10th dorm, the therapist or whoever is sitting there treats terribly. I also got an X-ray in Keremet, they irradiated me, as a result, that doctor said that the lungs were unchanged. As a result, he went to the hospital with terrible complications, they said that there were changes in his lungs. Last time I came to the therapist in the same way, it seems that a young girl is sitting in the 10th office. She was constantly clucking, although I then came to her with a gastrointestinal problem, there was blood. I treated her with all due respect, she answered me anyway as if I was forcing her to work.
Sairan Muktarkanova (110 kab), director of the center, behaves rudely with customers, cards are issued for a long time, and also tells off bank interns right in front of customers
Все, что нужно студенту, можно здесь найти. Как раз рядом с общежитиями, хорошее обслуживание, возможность одновременно сделать другие дела нароимер, постричься или постирать белье
Здесь автоматические камеры для хранения посылок, например алиэкспресс., парикмахерская, продовольственный магазин, прачечная, диагностический центр "Smart Health", центр работы с документами студентов (от справок до дипломов), филиал АТФ-банка.