Любите бекон и сыр? Бургер состоит из сочного и хрустящего куриного филе в оригинальной панировке, свежего салата Айсберг, свежих томатов, огурчиков, сыра, легкого майонезного соуса и хрустящего бекона. Все это подается между двумя пшеничными булочка
Баскет от Полковника Сандерса. Ножка (1 шт.), крылья острые (2 шт.), стрипсы (2 шт.), наггетсы (3 шт.) (острота на выбор)
11.5 Br271 g
Три ножки Оригинальные
Ножки - лакомый кусочек курочки, любимый с самого детства. Теперь у вас есть еще один вкусный повод зайти в КFC: куриные ножки с оригинальным вкусом, приготовленные по секретному рецепту Полковника Сандерса 11 трав и специй. Самая вкусная курочка в К
9 Br228 g
Баскет Фри
Еще больше вкуса. В наших крупных ломтиках мы сохранили еще больше вкуса твоего любимого картофеля фри. Он получается именно таким, как ты любишь - с аппетитно хрустящей корочкой
8.6 Br200 g
Картофель фри средний
Еще больше вкуса. В наших крупных ломтиках мы сохранили еще больше вкуса твоего любимого картофеля фри. Он получается именно таким, как ты любишь - с аппетитно хрустящей корочкой
Good afternoon. I would like to contact the KFC management at this address. Everything is delicious, fast, and the staff is friendly. BUT the last three times when we were in your institution, an elderly woman (either without a fixed place of residence, or suffering from alcohol addiction, or both) comes in there, sticks to people, climbs on trays with her hands, despite the fact that people are still eating, asks for money, a card, food, etc. And adults can answer her, but teenagers? Do something about it, take action, please. The first time there was a thought that she just happened to wander into your place. But then we came a few more times with an interval of months. Also, my friends also visited you and talked about her. She walks around and bothers people (not to mention the smell).And because of this, I don't want to come to this place anymore. Thanks
The restaurant is located at Gomel Khataevich 5. We went to the restaurant at 22.50. We wanted to order ice cream to take away. First we went to the self-service counter, but there was no ice cream on the menu, so we queued at the checkout, where there were only one guests. The cashier girl took their order for a very long time, due to the lack of some positions. She often walked away from the cash register in search of a certain Dima. When their order was placed, she went back to look for someone from the staff, even though we were standing right in front of the cash register. A man in a black T-shirt came up to the girl's place and announced, "Unfortunately, we're done." At 23.02 we left the establishment, although we were the last guests there. It is very disappointing that the staff saw that we wanted to place an order and ignored it. It turns out that we just stood at the checkout for 10 minutes in vain. I wasn't in the mood to scold or roll up my sleeves, but I still had unpleasant impressions.