A good university, it is not difficult to study, there is confidence that you will be taught there, the best view does not meet expectations everywhere, but it is acceptable and it is not so important, many buildings are nearby so you will not have to go far, if you are not lucky, you will have to ride (you had to walk once, but not so far, on foot we reached it normally).In general, I advise you, you will not regret it!
I would like to improve the very appearance of the buildings, at least from the outside, not to mention the internal condition...Corruption is often manifested in the financial plan for improving the University. When several hundred thousand tiles are allocated for non-working fountains or for ordinary 50m tiles... There are no complaints in terms of education, everything is stable and high-quality. Those who want to study and can do so, the institute provides an opportunity for an exchange student to practice in Germany. In general, the complaints are only about the terrible condition of the buildings and dormitories.