Заведение отличное, пиво от варки к варке отличается, но всегда остается вкусным и хорошим.
Еда на уровне, мясо свежее, всегда хорошо приготовлено. Колбаски это отдельная "песня" все что есть по-своему вкусные.
Отдельный пунктик фирменные настойки - хреновуха это отвал всего, не скажу что лучше не пробовал, но однозначно в топ 3 она входит.
Атмосфера уютная, единственный минус при входе стоит не очень приятный запах, но уже в зале это не чувствуется.
Общая оценка на 8/10, но раньше, по классике, было лучше)
Classics of the genre:beer is drunk in the same place where it is brewed, meat is fried to it and a decent assortment of beer snacks is offered
The atmosphere is adequate to the pub, quite brutal and at the same time friendly.It has
The price and quality correspond quite well to each other.In general, it is worth bearing in mind when you want to spend time with a glass of well-brewed beer, deliciously cooked sausages and
Have a nice time
The beer here is luxurious. everything is built around it, but I will not say about beer.
Sometimes you want something stronger, so: Here is the most awesome shit in the city. It is possible that the Lord himself insisted on walrus horseradish. I HIGHLY recommend it. There are also a bunch of lighter infusions. Grapefruit and Czech do not need a snack / drink at all, they go home.
The meat menu is rich, there are special promotions for every day of the week with a bonus beer. But there is a problem - "spicy" here is spicy in a restaurant way, i.e. it did not lie next to the Scoville scale (perhaps it is worth hinting to the waiters that you want REALLY spicy), and in general sweet sauces, with honey, etc. prevail on the menu. If you come with a lady, 146% will come in, if with friends, it's too sweet.
In general, it is very cool, the staff is not only well-trained and efficient, but also aesthetically beautiful.
The place is popular, without reservation there is a chance to get a turnaround, so it is appropriate to book a table in advance.