A wonderful installation in front of the entrance to the Lyalka Puppet Theater in Vitebsk (Belarus). The author of Hottabych (Lagin) was born in Vitebsk, so this is a memory of him.The sculpture is made of very high quality, there is a jug that can be rubbed.
The monument is an excellent reminder of a fairy-tale hero from childhood. It is executed qualitatively, located almost in the center of Vitebsk, it is not difficult to find, and a visit to such an attraction must be added to the piggy bank.
This is probably the only monument in Europe to the fabulous character, which was invented by our compatriot Lezar Lagin. The more convenient location is next to the puppet theater.
The beautiful statue of Khotabych is located next to the puppet theater, as if emphasizing the fabulousness and perpetuates the memory of our countryman and the author of this fairy tale Lagin.
They searched for Hottabych for a long time, but the Yandex map helped. An interesting sculpture, but in my opinion, a little small. It doesn't spoil her. And the photos with him turned out wonderful
One day I was walking around Vitebsk and unexpectedly discovered this monument!
It turned out that it was installed for a reason, there is a definite reason for that...
The sculpture is cool!
Hottabych or Hasan Abdurakhman ibn-Hottab
What is he doing here? The author of Hottabych was born in Vitebsk.
For happiness and fulfillment of desires, you need to rub the magic jug, saying "Akhalai-mahailai".
I am for a reasonable expenditure of budget funds. Rather than putting up such sculptures that are useless, it would be better to give this money to the liberating veterans. And then an interesting picture comes out - veterans collect bottles - but they put Hottabych ..
This fabulous hero is located right in front of the puppet theater. Old man Hottabych holds a man with a camel in his palms. If you do not get closer, they are not so easy to see. When passing by, do not forget to rub the lamp or beard, and suddenly your wish will come true. Mine has been fulfilled. Really, really! The site offers a beautiful view of the old town and the Vitba River.
A pleasant, kind, wonderful monument to a fabulous character. Near which you can not only take a photo but make wishes))) judging by the chafing of the individual parts,... wishes are fulfilled)))
The monument to the old man Hottabych, installed in Vitebsk opposite the puppet theater. A very handsome old man turned out to be a local sculptor, as well as a fairy tale by L. Lagin, a native of Vitebsk. Yandex only gives you bushes, but if you want, you can look at the Internet, however, a cute Hottabych.