Solid "4". Indeed, everything is inundated, you need to ask the seller immediately about the availability of a particular product. The prices are affordable, I bought myself a bag for 300, there was no cheaper 500 on the market. I recommend visiting, looking for the right thing. The assortment is large. It is located next to a public transport stop.
A wonderful hardware store in Pitsunda. A wide selection of ladles, pots with polka dots and flowers, pans, dishes, cutlery, apartment plates, electric lamps, tape, household cleaning items. There is no need to look for another one. I recommend it!
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Level 5 Local Expert
August 21, 2023
A store with toys written on it, but it is not allowed with baby strollers! I would spend more money on toys than the cost of cleaning alone. As I understand it, you won't let wheelchair users in either. A rude woman at the entrance behind the counter, shouting is not allowed with a stroller.