Хачапури в виде лодочки из двух сортов сыра: брынза, сулугуни, сл слегка запеченным яйцом и сливочным маслом
2990 ₸600 g
Салат с хрустящими баклажанами
Брынза, зелень, соус терияки, киккоман
2990 ₸300 g
Куриный суп с лапшой
Курица придаёт бульону богатый вкус и аромат, а лапша делает блюдо сытным и придаёт ему текстуру. Овощи в супе, такие как морковь и лук, добавляют натуральную сладость и цвет. Это блюдо часто подают с зеленью, которая добавляет свежести и дополнитель
1690 ₸300 g
Традиционный грузинский суп из говядины с рисом, овощами, зеленью
The kitchen is great, but the service wants the best.We celebrated a birthday and the service, the serving of dishes-everything was ill-conceived, not in the interests of visitors.It seemed that they wanted to get rid of us faster.It's a pity, I really love this place, but if there is such an attitude towards visitors, then all the work of the chefs is for nothing.
The restaurant is not bad, the food is delicious, but... a huge number of midges are not street ones, but small brown ones that get started if some of the products disappear. And the cherry on the cake: a mouse! A little gray mouse that was running around our table. I told the staff about it, they smiled and did not take any measures, did not even go out into the hall to see her with their own eyes, they probably already got used to them! As a result, after the visit, my friend and I have an intestinal disorder, we are being treated
The impression is so-so (
Great restaurant. Sooooo delicious cuisine and attentive polite staff. Special respect to the cook and his team. One disadvantage is that there is no music in the letnik. But this did not spoil the overall impression of the visit. A great desire to come back and try something new again))). I definitely recommend 1000%