A man was riding a bicycle, drove into the city, saw a monument, is something wrong? Yes, I had one unexpected meeting with Prince Igor of Novgorod-Seversk, the hero of the "Words about Igor's Regiment". During a bike ride in the 90s, there was a case, we stopped in the amazingly beautiful city of Novgorod-Seversky and there at the shopping malls: "Holy fathers, what a meeting!" The prince himself is on a horse, and above his head he has a ball on a stick. We walked around for a long time, not understanding what kind of mace was above our heads. Bah, it's a solar eclipse. It seems to have been recently. And how long ago… That's the kind of acquaintance.
Probably (as an option, at least 88.88%) the best monument in the world, as a reminder to all those who control financial and raw material flows in the form of tribute ["Prince Igor Rurikovich of Kiev, although he possessed the fullness of state, military and judicial power, but he was not a highwayman who robbed Drevlyans when he wanted.
He had to obey certain laws, otherwise he could get into trouble in other Slavic lands, and not only among the Drevlyans"]:
"In the Summer of 6453 (945).
That year, the squad told Igor ["Igor's name became the only Russian name that got into the Byzantine encyclopedic dictionary of the X century, known as Suda"]:
"The youths of Sveneld dressed up with weapons and clothes, but we are naked.
Come, Prince, with us for tribute, and you will get it too."
And Igor listened to them — he went to the Drevlyans for tribute, and added a new one to the former tribute, and his men committed violence against them.
Having taken the tribute, he went to his city.
When he was walking back, after thinking about it, he said to his squad:
"Go home with the tribute, and I'll come back and help you more."
And he let his squad go home, and he returned with a small part of the squad, wanting more wealth.
When the Drevlyans heard that he was coming again, they held a council with their prince Maly:
"If a wolf gets into the habit of sheep, he takes out the whole flock until they kill him.
So is this one: if we don't kill him, he will destroy us all."
And they sent to him, saying,
"Why are you going again? I've already taken all the tribute."
And Igor did not listen to them.
And the Drevlyans, coming out of the city of Iskorosten against Igor, killed Igor and his squad, since there were few of them.
And Igor was buried, and there is his grave at Iskorosten in the Village land to this day" (The Tale of Bygone Years. The Laurentian Chronicle).