The former palace of Timur. It was used by himself, there is information that Ulugbek also used it. On the Kuktash stone (displayed in the courtyard of the Gur-Emir mausoleum), the coronations of the emirs of Bukhara took place in the palace until 1861. It fell into disrepair at the beginning of the XVIII century. It was partially restored, the view of the gate was preserved in Vereshchagin's painting. Wiki further writes that the authorities of the Russian Empire decided to destroy it. Well, they destroyed it. And the guide told a more plausible story. During the mutiny against the Russians, the rebels took refuge in the palace and the governor, in order not to lose soldiers during the assault, shot the palace with guns. Then they found English weapons in the basements. The Englishwoman was stroking... However, it was a time of Great Play, who understands....
Ruins surrounded by a fence. A man was sleeping on the grass. At least they put up a sign with a description of the place. Because staring blankly at a pile of bricks is not much of an occupation.