I visit the kolobok store every day. I like the working hours, very polite staff, they will always tell you everything! A large assortment of goods, prices are lower than in other stores for most goods. Shop windows always delight with a large selection. Everything can be bought in one store. It is especially pleasant to buy finished products when there is no time to cook, everything is very tasty, the family is always happy. A very good store!
The store is not bad, but.... the lack of finished products spoils everything. First of all, I once bought pita bread with ham and cheese for lunch. The pita bread was dry, it didn't even smell like cheese, and instead of ham, they stuffed sausages and boiled sausage into it. There was no ham at all. Well, the second time was nonsense... The seller was after a good day. 1- masked alcohol in a mask. 2- my hands were barely shaking, I put the goods on the scales. Well, the cherry on the cake, she almost fell into the window with the finished products.
The store is not bad. But the finished products are constantly weathered and not fresh. The dates are often simply rewritten.
The ribbon for displaying goods by customers is constantly filled with goods for sale and the buyer cannot post his goods,
The place for card payment is inconveniently located, i.e. in front of the cash register. You don't have to go back and interfere with the next customer!!!