The price tag for the product in this store is very rare. It kills the seller's argument that you can ask him. However, to do this, you need to stand in line. And then, imagine, you were not satisfied. You go after another product and the circle closes. I'm not talking about breaking the law.
Good afternoon, everyone!I wanted to write about today's bun-the order was made and the seller takes 4 samosas with a single composition from different trays -2 from one and 2 from another/why?There was a suspicion that not fresh was combined with fresh .So it turned out -samsa just fell apart lying in the bag , she wanted to call the smell / not fresh - but the phone is not serviced / specified .
Один из лучших продуктовых магазинчиков Бишкека. Только там можно купить эксклюзивные конфеты, соус или пасту. Магазин не большой но ассортимент просто огромный.