Раздел имущества, взыскание алиментов, определение места жительства ребенка, установление порядка общения с ребенком, определение порядка выезда ребенка за границу, установление и оспаривание отцовства, лишение родительских прав, выезд на ПМЖ.
Thank you very much. For your kind and broad soul, which in difficult situations competently and with a sober head puts everything in the right direction. A lawyer of the highest category.
An excellent lawyer. I consulted clearly and competently. He answered the questions in detail and helped to form a plan for further actions. He gave a number of very useful tips that later helped save time, money and nerves.
What kind of reviews - the lawyer is a real sweetheart)) In my case, the lawyer simply "merged" and stopped contacting me. Bravo! Apparently, the "individual approach" worked :)