I've known the store since the days when it was called,, Severny." There was no order then, there is no order now. I'll tell you straight out, it's even worse now. The price tags do not correspond to the layout, and most often they simply do not exist. The packaged goods have to be constantly outweighed, because they do not correspond to the glued label. And in general, there are a lot of complaints. Many times I wanted to write a complaint. I just don't want to raise my nerves.
Хожу в этот магазин периодически. Ассортимент весьма обширный и в целом можно купить практически всё необходимое. Хочется отметить, что в последнее время радует наличие акций в данной сети магазинов, а именно "Чёрные пятницы" и "1+1".