One of the best pet stores. A huge assortment, there are animals, birds and many types of aquarium fish on sale. Professional advice,pleasant service. Discount cards are valid
I would like to express my gratitude to this chain of stores, a large selection of assortment, affordable prices, friendly and highly qualified staff!!! Always clean and cozy!!! Thank you very much to the seller Marina, we try to get on her shift, she will always tell you everything and help with the choice!!!
Always responsive sellers. The level of professionalism is felt. A very large range of different products. Thank you for recommending ZooRing food to me. My cat eats with great pleasure. I wish the store further development and prosperity.
I really like the store itself - a large assortment of products, there is more than enough choice. But the staff was not pleased - they did not show any attention to the buyer, they literally had to ask the seller to get up from her chair and consult
30.04.23 having come to the store for the reason that I bought a little Kraschenko in This store, a couple of days later it turned out that the pregnant Ukrainian was baptized very small and unfortunately the animal died, I would like to ask that the content of animals of two different sexes be different because animals become pregnant and people want one animal, then they still have a whole brood but due to the fact that this rat was very small, it died and could not withstand the load on the body when I came with a claim that why did you sell me a pregnant rat, they answered me boorishly
A very interesting pet store, it sells a lot of things for pets...there are animals) a separate love is parrots, they scream, so that everyone can hear that there are parrots here🥰🥰🥰
The best pet store. There are products for all animals, not just cats and dogs. You can also buy animals, and hamsters, and chinchillas, and even a hedgehog.
the store sells "live nightlights", which is a tiny hermetically sealed punishment cell for fish, which generally does not meet the minimum standard for keeping cockerels. it is especially wild to see such things in a pet store, where sellers must understand that it is impossible to keep a living creature like this. This is animal cruelty!