The prices in this store do not match the quality of the product. Things are far from factory quality. T-shirts, pants and socks can be said to be disposable. The prices for jackets are like BIGS in Minsk, but the quality is much worse.
I put three stars only for the fact that there are erotic underwear for women on sale, by the way, the quality is NORMAL)), only the prices for it were also raised three times (((
We were in this store today... And as always, the terminal allegedly did not work!! The purchase amount was 202 rubles.. I had 200 rubles.. They refused to reset 2 rubles and the terminal did not give them .... He was rude, raised his voice when I demanded to show "not a working terminal".in the end, he did not give a check, he refused to punch through the cash register!!! Why can they work without a terminal, but others can't!? Where can I find justice for them!? This is a clear violation of the law!!!