Наш гинеколог имеет широкий опыт работы и специализируется на различных аспектах женского здоровья. Мы предлагаем рутинные осмотры, лечение различных заболеваний, консультации по планированию беременности и многое другое. Наша цель - обеспечить ва...
47 Br30 min
Консультация терапевта
Ищете квалифицированного терапевта? Мы предлагаем профессиональные услуги терапевта и готовы помочь вам. Наш терапевт имеет богатый опыт работы и специализируется на различных методиках и подходах.
47 Br30 min
Консультация гастроэнтеролога
Во время первого консультативного приема врач начинает со сбора анамнеза: вы описываете симптоматику, которая беспокоит в последнее время, рассказываете о хронических и наследственных заболеваниях, принимаемых препаратах, аллергических реакциях.
One of the best private men’s doctors offices in all of Belarus. The secretaries are very good at communicating and helping patients find the right places to go and the staff is always very helpful in answering questions.
A good medical center with high-quality service.
I would like to express my special thanks to Marina Vladimirovna Puchinskaya for her attention, sensitivity, professionalism and incredibly pleasant atmosphere at the reception!
Thank you for your hard work in such a difficult area of medicine!
I would like to express my gratitude to the head of the laboratory, M. A. Petrikevich.
With her arrival at the center, the work in the laboratory has become better! The quality of service in the treatment rooms has significantly improved. There are very polite procedural nurses and paramedics. They approach each patient individually and are able to get along with children. Without psychos and scandals, my children go to donate blood to them. A cool idea with baby patches, certificates for bravery. I love this center, I take tests only there. Everything is fast, high-quality and inexpensive! Thank you for your hard work and hard work! I am glad that I came to this center once!